You can design landing pages more quickly and efficiently through familiar keyboard shortcuts to perform commonly used actions. Add, delete, and group new objects, send landing page elements to the front, to the back, access Edge Measurement, and more:
Show Keyboard shortcuts: SHIFT + /
Copy: CTRL + C
Paste: CTRL + V
Duplicate: CTRL + D
Delete a widget: DELETE
Undo: CTRL + Z
Redo: CTRL + SHIFT + Z
Enter edit mode: Select widget + ENTER
Exit edit mode: ESC
Axis lock movement: SHIFT + Drag widget
Multi-select: SHIFT + Click or Click + Drag mouse
Group widgets: CTRL + G
Ungroup widgets: CTRL + SHIFT + G
Direct select: CTRL + Click
Add section: A + S
Add headline: A + H
Add paragraph: A + P
Add form: A + F
Add button: A + B
Add image: A+ I
Add rectangle: A + R
Add circle: A + C
Distance measurement: Select widget + ALT
Move widget by 1 pixel: Navigation arrows
Move widget by 10 pixels: SHIFT + Navigation arrows
Bring forward: CTRL + ]
Send backward: CTRL + [
Bold font: CTRL + B
Italicize font: CTRL + I
Underline font: CTRL + U