Adding invisible reCAPTCHA to the pages in a workspace

Invisible reCAPTCHA allows you to protect your website from spam and abuse. 

Here's how to add it to your Instapage workspaces:

1. To add invisible reCAPTCHA to all the pages in your Instapage workspace, click on the name of the workspace on the top left, then select Workspace settings and choose Integrations;


2. Under Page Integrations, click Invisible reCAPTCHA;


3. To find your site key and secret key, follow this link: and click on the v3 Admin Console button;

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4. Sign into your Google account or create one if you haven’t already;

5. Label your site so you can keep track of which sets of keys you’re using;

image of labeling your site to keep track of which sets of keys you are using

6. Select reCAPTCHA v2, then Invisible reCAPTCHA, enter your domain, accept the terms of service, and click Submit;

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7. If you have used Google Cloud before, you can give this a Project Name so you can easily find it in your cloud.

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8. Once your registration is complete, you will have your site key and secret key. Copy and paste them from Google into Instapage;

image showing to copy and paste your site and secrect key from Google into Instapage

9. Go back to the Google reCAPTCHA page and scroll down to the Security Preference section and select the one you wish to have;

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a) Under Security Preference, uncheck the box that says Verify the origin of reCAPTCHA solutions and click Save. Doing so will allow you to activate invisible reCAPTCHA on all domains without the hassle of entering the domains one by one. The warning message on Google should not concern you unless you intend to share your site key and secret key publically;

image showing to uncheck the box that says verify the origin of reCAPTCHA solutions

b) Go back to your Instapage window and check the box saying I have unchecked Verify the origin of reCAPTCHA solutions. Then click Connect.

10. Once you are done, all the pages in this particular Instapage workspace will have invisible reCAPTCHA activated, regardless of which domain they are published on. To activate invisible reCAPTCHA on other workspaces, simply switch over to the other workspace and repeat the steps above. To simplify the process, use the same site key and secret key generated in step 7. Those can be found in your Google account.

NOTE: The reCAPTCHA is supported on the two most recent versions of the following browsers:

Desktop (Windows, Linux, Mac): Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge
Mobile: Chrome, Safari, Android native browser

NOTE: The reCAPTCHA will show up only on pages with an Instapage native form.

Extra details 

If you are encountering any issues with creating a new reCAPTCHA with the above method, you can also do it manually.

1. Login into the GCP Console at

2. If you already have a project created and want to work under it, you can proceed to step 3. If you want to create a new one, you can click either on Select a project, if you do not have any created, or on the name of the current one and then on New Project.

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3. Search for reCAPTCHA in the Search bar.

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4. Scroll down and under the reCAPTCHA keys and click on the + Create key.

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5. Write your Display name, choose the Platform type as Website, and add your domain. 

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6. Click on Web Application Firewall(WAF), domain verification, AMP pages, and challenge and you can turn on the toggle for Disable domain verification. This will allow you to use the key on different domains.

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7. Click on Create key.

8. In the window that opens, you can copy the site key from here and add it in Instapage.

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9. To get the secret key, click on Integrate with a third party or plugin and copy it from here. If this button does not appear, you can click on the Use legacy key button under the Integration section.

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10. Add the key to Instapage's reCAPTCHA section, and you will be done.

How can I protect my page even better?

Besides adding the reCAPTCHA to your pages, there are some other actions that can be taken to try to prevent spam:

  1. 1. You can integrate your landing pages with a CRM that offers a double opt-in method, such as Mailchimp. This will ensure that, once someone tries to submit the form, they will also have to click on Confirm in the email that they receive from that specific CRM. You can read more about adding a double opt-in with Mailchimp here:
  2. 2. Another important aspect that would help is to try to make sure that you do not share the URL of the page with other third-party social platforms that you don't have control over (e.g. Facebook Groups, other forums) and to be aware of how exactly the page is promoted.
  3. 3. A third option would be to add an extra step to the form, which involves a 2-step authentication method through which the visitors will have to complete the form by adding a code they receive via email or phone number. This option involves your own custom code, through which the snippets will have to be added in the following section:
Our team can provide support for custom code features that are presented in our Help Center guides. We cannot offer assistance or guarantee the functionality of any other 3rd party scripts.
In case you need help with custom functionality or any code customization that is not provided through our Help Center articles, we have a Professional Services team that can help our Convert users. The Convert plan includes Professional Services as well as additional features and services that can be seen here: