Team members permissions list

Team members can have different access to an account. Here are all the permissions and restrictions for each type of team member.

Setting Permissions roles are available as follows:

Viewer - it is the most limited role, with no access to the builder, but can view different parts of the account except Billing details, Audit log, and Global Domains:

  • View-only access to pages, including preview, heatmaps, and page comments;
  • View-only access to experiments, including experiments list, preview experiment, preview variation, and experiment details;
  • View-only access to leads and analytics;
  • AdMap: Show Campaigns, Ad Groups, and Ad; Search by Campaign name and Show Keywords.

Editor - will allow the team member to edit your pages and make other kinds of changes in the account that do not affect live pages; they cannot make workspace-wide actions, such as adding workspace Assets like syles or fonts, removing integrations, etc. 

  • View and edit pages;
  • Make changes and save them, but not push them live;
  • Create new forms and add new images under Assets, but not edit the Styles or Fonts;
  • Access heatmaps and page comments;
  • Connect/disconnect existing integrations from an experience but cannot update live the URLs;
  • Manage landing pages and their groups: create a page, duplicate, download, rename, add to a group, reorder;
  • View leads and analytics;
  • Download analytics statistics only;
  • View and edit experiments: create a new experiment, edit experiment name, create/import/duplicate/rename/edit variation, select control variation(modal) but not start a live experiment;
  • Use AdMap with the exception of “Review and push”;
  • Use Global Blocks: save it, delete it, disconnect it (without pushing the change live), or edit it (if it is not used in ANY live pages);
  • Personalize custom experiences (for converting customers only): create a new experience, edit the design, duplicate it, rename it, preview, and comment on it.

Manager - is given full access to your account except the ones below:

  • No access to the Billing details;
  • No access to the Audit Log;
  • No access to the Global Domains section, where only the owner can allow other users to add their domain to their account, as shown here:;
  • Cannot invite, uninvite, or change the permission level of other managers;

Owner - full access to everything in the account and all workspaces.