NOTE: The cost-reporting feature has been removed for now as part of a remodel of our analytics page. You can use the Google Ads integration in order to connect your landing pages to your search ads through AdMap, as instructed here:, to view your Postclick score on the Dashboard, as described here:, and to filter the traffic in your Instapage analytics reporting between paid and organic.
If you are looking to track conversions in Google Ads, please refer to this guide instead: Thank you!
Follow the steps below to connect your Google Ads account to your workspace and your landing pages.
NOTE: You need to have Admin or Standard access in Google Ads in order to be able to establish the connection.
1. Click on the name of the landing page that you want to connect, then click on Integrations, then on Marketing Tags & Pixels:
2. If you have already connected your Google Ads account in the main Integrations dashboard, you will see it here and you can connect it to this particular experience.
After clicking Google Ads in the screen above, you just need to turn the toggle ON and confirm, then Update the page.
If you have not connected it on a workspace level yet, you will need to go to the main Integrations dashboard of the workspace and connect, as shown here:
After connecting an account, to connect an additional one you can select the Switch option:
If you click Switch, you will be presented with the option to continue to Google Ads, just like you did before. Once you do connect, you can select between the two or more accounts:
! The URL of the landing page in the ad must contain both the adid and the campaignid parameter in order for the traffic to be filtered correctly in our analytics reporting. Example URL:
The traffic filtering option can be found by following this GIF:
Disconnecting Google Ads
1. From your Instapage dashboard, click on Integrations on the left.
2. Go to Google Ads and click on the Disconnect button.
You can also turn off the Ads integration for a page, without disconnecting it on an account level. Go to the Analytics menu in the slideout menu for the page as shown before and click on the toggle button next to your Google Ads ID, then update the page.